
This section helps you learn essential Korean words and phrases used in Taekwondo. A special thanks goes out to Michelle Kang for her excellent assistance with this page.

Taekwondo Defined | The Five Tenets | Energy | Theory of Power | The Taegeuk | The Palgwae | Taegeuk Poomsae | Phrases | Basic Commands | Counting 1-10 | Counting 1st to 10th | The Four Disciplines | Categories of Techniques | Stances | Target Areas | Blocks | Kicks | Punches | Poomsae Commands | Sparing Terms | In the School | Parts of the Body | Directions & Actions | Weapons

Taekwondo Defined

Tae | 태 | To kick or strike with the foot

Kwon | 권 | To intercept or strike with the hand

Do | 도 | The ‘way’ or the ‘art’

Tae-kwon-do | 태 권 도 | The way of the foot and the hand

Top → | White Belt →

The Five Tenets

Courtesy | Ye-ui | 예의

Integrity | Jeong-jik | 정직

Perseverance | In-nae | 인내

Self-control | Ja-jae-ryuk | 자제력

Indomitable spirit | Baek-jeol-bul-gul | 백절불굴

Top → | High Yellow Belt →


  • Energy | Ki | 기
  • A shout that is the concentration of spirit | Ki-hap | 기합

Top → | High Blue Belt →

Taekwondo Theory of Power

  • Reaction Force | ban-dong ryuk | 반동력
  • Concentration | jip-joong | 집중
  • Equilibrium | kyoon-hyeong | 균형
  • Breath Control | ho-heup Jo-jul | 호흡 조절
  • Mass | mu-gae | 무게
  • Speed | sok-do | 속도

Top → | High Blue Belt →

The Taeguek

  • The Cosmos | Tae-geuk | 태극
  • The positive pole | Yang | 양
  • The negative pole | Eum | 음
  • Flag | Gi | 기
  • The flag of the Republic of Korea | Tae-geuk-gi | 태극기
  • Meditation | Myeong-sang | 명상

Top → | High Yellow Belt →

The Palgwae

  • Symbol | Gwae | 괘
  • The eight trigrams from the Book of Changes | Pal-gwae | 팔괘

Top → | High Yellow Belt →

Taegeuk Poomsae

The Taegeuk Poomsae are the 8 colored belt forms that we practice. They are recognized by the World Taekwondo Federation.

  • Taegeuk Poomsae | Tae-geuk Poom-sae | 태극품새

Top → | Green Belt →


  • Bow to the flags. | Gook-gi-ae dae-ha-yuh kyeong-nye | 국기의 대하여 경례
  • Thank you. (formal) | Kam-sah ham-ni-da | 감사합니다
  • Yes (or Yes sir!), No (or No sir!)
  • How are you? (formal) | Ahn-yeong ha-shim-ni-ka | 안녕하십니까
  • Hello | Ahn-young ha-se-yo | 안녕 하세요
  • You’re welcome. – or-  Don’t mention it. | Chun-man ae-yo | 천만에요
  • I’m sorry | Mi-an ham-ni-da | 미안합니다
  • Good luck! | Hang-woon-eul bib-ni-da! | 행운을 빕니다!
  • Excuse me | Shil-lae ham-ni-da | 실례합니다
  • Goodbye (Please go peacefully) | An-young-hi ga-se-yo | 안녕히가세요

Top → | Back

Basic Commands

Attention | Cha-ryut | 차렷

Bow | Kyeong-nye | 경녜

Ready | Joon-bi | 준비

Return to Ready | Ba-ro | 바로

Top → | White Belt →

Counting 1 to 10

2 | Duel | 둘

1 | Ha-na | 하나

3 | Set | 셋

4 | Net | 넷

5 | Da-seot | 다섯

6 | Yuh-seot | 여섯

7 | Il-gope | 일곱

8 | Yeo-dul | 여덟

9| A-hope | 아홉

10 | Yeul | 열

Top → | High White Belt →

Counting 1st to 10th

1st | il | 일

2nd | Ee | 이

3rd | Sam | 삼

4th | Sa | 사

5th | O | 오

6th | Yook | 육

7th | Chil | 칠

8th | Pal | 팔

9th | Gu | 구

10th | Sip | 십

Top → | Green Belt →

The Four Disciplines

  • Pattern | Poom-sae | 품새
  • Sparring | Kyuh-ru-gi | 겨루기
  • Breaking | Kyuk-pa | 격파
  • Self-Defense | Ho-shin-sool | 호신술

Top → | High Green Belt →

Categories of Techniques

  • Stance | Suh-gi | 서기
  • Block | Mak-ki | 막기
  • Punch | ji-rue-gi | 지르기
  • Hit/Strike | Chi-gi | 치기
  • Kick | Cha-gi | 차기

Top → | High White Belt →


  • Open (Parallel) Stance | Na-ran-hi suh-gi  | 나란히 서기
  • Closed (Gathered) Stance | Mo-ah suh-gi  | 모아 서기
  • Walking Stance | Ap suh-gi  | 앞서기
  • Front Stance (front inflection stance) | Ap-goop-E | 앞굽이
  • Back Stance (back inflection stance) | Dwit-goop-E | 뒷굽이
  • Tiger Stance | Bum suh-gi  | 범서기
  • Riding Stance | Ju-choom suh-gi  | 주춤서기
  • Cross Stance | Ko-ah suh-gi  | 꼬아서기
  • Fighting Stance | Kyuh-ru-gi suh-gi | 겨루기 서기

Top → | High White Belt →

Target Areas

Bottom, Low Section | Ah-rae | 아래

Trunk, Middle Section | Moem-tong | 몸통

Face, High Section | ul-guel | 얼굴

Top → | Yellow Belt →


  • Block | Mak-ki | 막기
  • Low block | Ah-rae mak-ki | 아래 막기
  • Inside block, literally, trunk block | Moem-tong mak-ki | 몸통 막기
  • Outside block, literally, trunk outward block | Moem-tong ba-kat mak-ki | 몸통 바깥 막기
  • High block, literally, face block | Ul-guel mak-ki | 얼굴 막기

Top → | Yellow Belt →


  • Kick | Cha-gi | 차기
  • Front kick | Ap cha-gi | 앞차기
  • Side kick | Yeop cha-gi | 옆차기
  • Roundhouse (turning) kick | Dol-lyeo cha-gi | 돌려차기
  • Back kick | Dwi cha-gi | 뒤차기
  • Whip kick | Hu-ryuh -cha-gi | 후려차기
  • Turning whip kick | Dol-lyeo hu-ryuh cha-gi | 돌려후려차기
  • Jumping front kick | Twi-uh ap-cha-gi | 뛰어앞차기

Top → | Blue Belt →


  • Punch | ji-rue-gi | 지르기
  • Trunk Straight (Proper) Punch | Moem-tong ba-ro ji-reu-gi | 몸통 바로 지르기
  • Trunk Opposite Punch | Moem-tong ban-dae ji-reu-gi | 몸통 반대 지르기
  • Trunk Double Punch | Moem-tong du-beon ji-reu-gi | 몸통 두번 지르기
  • Face Opposite Punch | Ul-gul ban-dae ji-reu-gi | 얼굴 반대 지르기

Top → | High Blue Belt →

Poomsae Commands

  • Enter | Ip-jang | 입장
  • Attention | Cha-ryut | 차렷
  • Bow | Kyeong-nye | 경례
  • Ready | Joon-bi | 준비
  • Begin | Shi-jak | 시작
  • Return to Ready | Ba-ro | 바로
  • Rest (at ease) | She-dah | 쉬다
  • Exit  | Twae-jang | 퇴장
  • Judges Score | Shim-pan Jum-soo | 심판 점수

Top → | High Green Belt →

Sparing Terms

Top → | Blue Belt →

In the School

  • School (or style) of Taekwando | Kwan | 관
  • Training Hall | Do-jang | 도장
  • Sir | Nim | 님
  • School Master | Kwan jang nim | 관장님
  • Instructor | Sa-bum nim | 사범님
  • Assistant Instructor | Bu sa-bum nim | 부사범님
  • Uniform | Do-bok | 도복
  • Belt | Thee | 띠
  • Colored belt (junior) rank | Geup | 급
  • Black belt (senior) rank | Dan | 단

Top → | High Green Belt →

Parts of the Body

Top → | Red Belt →

Directions & Actions

Top → | Blue Belt →


  • Sword | Gum | 검
  • Dagger | Dan-gum | 단검
  • Bo Staff | Bong | 봉
  • Nunchucks | Sang-jul goen | 쌍절곤

Top → | Red Belt →